Are you an English medium student preparing for the SSC CGL exam? Do you want to boost your chances of success by having the best study materials at hand?
we have compiled a list of the top 10 must-have SSC CGL exam books that are sure to help you ace your exams.
The SSC CGL exam is conducted in two parts – the written examination and the interview. The written examination consists of four papers – General Awareness, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. Candidates who qualify in the written examination are eligible for the interview.

1. SSC CGL Tier 1 & 2 English Language by Arihant Experts: This book is a must-have for all the candidates who are preparing for SSC CGL in English medium. The book covers all the topics of English language section asked in SSC CGL exam.
2. Objective General English by SP Bakshi: This book is very helpful for those who want to improve their grammar and vocabulary skills. The book covers all the important topics of English language section asked in SSC CGL exam

3. High School Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin: This is one of the most popular books for learning grammar and improving composition skills. The book covers all the important topics of English language section asked in SSC CGL exam.

4. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by Rakesh Yadav: This book is very helpful for those who want to improve their verbal & non-verbal reasoning skills. The book covers all the important topics of verbal & non-verbal reasoning section asked in SSC CGL exam.